Saturday 24/12/2022
The Preparatory Committee of the Youth Movement (National Social Youth Movement in Palestine) and the Palestinian Youth Union participated in the “National Campaign to Protect our Resources”, in cooperation with the municipality of Al-Auja and some official institutions. The Campaign was sponsored by Jericho Governorate and the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission.
150 volunteers affiliated with the Youth Movement and the Palestinian Youth Movement were present, and participated in cleaning the area, planting and organizing trees.
The aim of the voluntary work was to clean and beautify Al-Auja spring and its channels to establish environmental awareness, promote domestic tourism, and protect Al-Auja spring from Zionist greed via establishing the Palestinian identity and encourage continuous Palestinian presence in the region.
The Palestinian presence in Al-Auja spring is extremely crucial to protect it because it is considered an important water source for hundreds of farmers and livestock farmers. The coordination committee will work on a plan and program to finalize the work and encourage internal tourism in the region and keep it clean.