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DEEP project
Deprived Families Economic Empowerment Programme (DEEP) 
Funded by UNDP
THEMATIC AREA: Poverty Reduction 
SECTOR / SUB SECTOR: Micro Enterprise 
'Poverty reduction in the occupied Palestinian territory through access to promotional social 
Safety net activities package and financial services’ 
The objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of depressed and deprived Palestinian families and so to contribute to a revitalized Palestinian economy through supporting Self-employment and micro-enterprise development as means to reduce unemployed, achieve higher economic growth and reduce poverty and expand the opportunities for members of deprived Palestinian families to become entrepreneurs through providing them with financial and business development services. This will enable the potential entrepreneurs within these families to start up micro enterprises and ensure a sustainable source of income. 
Families non eligible to own and manage a self-employment activity in the short run, and particularly those raising youth who may be prepared for entrepreneurship in the medium term run, will be targeted with special innovative assistance, ensuring their short term and long term empowerment. 
Purpose: Empowering and graduating Palestinian chronic and hard hit poor families from being recipients of humanitarian assistance to independent providers of income, through accessing a package of financial and non-financial (Promotional Social Safety Net Activities) services that address their needs. 
Geographic Location: West Bank and Gaza